Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Nothing exciting has happened
Nothing exciting is happening.....
Someone please entertain me.
Please leave me a joke...a funny story....SOMETHING.


- Love, Me


Lindsey said...

I am so bored...I am leaving a comment for myself.
This joke is for a certian someone...

Question: Why did the monkey fall out of the tree??
Answer: Because it was Dead.

Question: Why did the turtle fall out of the tree??
Answer: Because it was stapled to the monkey.

Becky Foster said...

Ha ha! (I'm laughing at your jokes right now). I'm glad you have a blog, because now I can stalk YOU in more ways than one! I just barely got one like a week ago, so you haven't missed out on much. Love you.

Billy and Nikki said...

I get back from logan on sat. Lets go to dinner and get pedicures on mon or tue, let me know what works. I guess we'll have to find a new resturant here. :(

Davis Fam said...

If you don't sit next to your kid he will fall off the posing board and DIE.... now imagine my angry face! Miss ya girl! and yes that's as funny as I can get. :)

Brianna said...

hahahahah! You make me laugh! I love my little Lindsey. :-) Thank you for your wonderful ideas for dinner. :-) You're amazing. Hmm... funny stories.... well; I have a funny story for you. One time there was this girl I knew who had a weird guy who liked to follow her. One day while she was a work he came in to get his pictures taken. He wanted my friend to take them, so she did. Then he had his "twin" come back and look at them. You should meet my friend, she is the best. :-)

Linda and Dave Browne said...

Count your blessings that you're bored. Bored is good. Bored is safe and secure.

I wish I was bored. I think it will be awhile.

Love you (and thanks for all the great comments)

Sabs said...

heeee heeeee i love he stapled turtle:) Here's another:

"Ask me if I'm a tree."

"Are you a tree?"


heeeeeeeeeeeeehhahahhaha snort!

Martha said...

I know how you feel...I wish I had a cool fun life so there was something to post about...ha ha wow I'm so lame...

Dani said...

Just watch my videos of James dancing over and over and over. That's all I do all day.

Stef said...

if your so bored i got an idea! come to georgia! :) I'm sure we can find something for you to do out here. :)

Billy and Nikki said...

do you want to go to dinner on mon night?

Lotto said...

You heard about the gay midget right?

He came out of the cupboard!

Alix said...

ok... that joke you left at the top of your comments list must be from a sweetwood... that just sounds too familiar.