Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't drink the WATER!!

So the other day, I was looking through my blogger list and noticed that 13 of you blogging buddies are PREGNANT!!! you crazy devils....what are you drinking? So for all my non-prego buddies out there...consider yourself warned. And if ANY of you decide to "come out" and let the rest of us know you prego as is the time. Guaranteed ONE of you will confess. I can feel it.
To sum it up....I will not be drinking anymore water. And I suggest that some of you do the same.


Becky Foster said...

Crap, I drank a lot of water today!

Brooke said...

Another reason I should feel good about the 110oz of diet coke I consume daily :)

Ashley said...

Which water is this?..Ill bet April wants some. Or maybe she will be the one to confess. Either way... I want some water. Dylan will not let me have any though... :( And I am so Damn THIRSTY!!!

The Powells said...

it must be the water globally because I guarantee you I'm not drinking the same stuff as everyone else over there in the states!!!!

Jesse, Hailey, Max and Boston said...

I was thinking that it was the Tennessee water, but I must have been wrong!

Martha said...

Ha ha I feel the same way-except everyone my age is getting married AND having kids...craziness.

erica said...

hey, drinking water worked for me! :)

Lindsey said...

I agree with Brooke, I choose Diet Coke over water any day!! Whatever water everybody is drinking could they send some to Ashley and April? Ashley is starting to sound a little hostile....but secretly I don't want April to get preggers till February......March....April...

Sabs said...

ha ha....i'll die of thirst first:) love the new header too!

Ali Andrus said...

haha I guess I'm safe. I can drink all the water I want since I'm already knocked up. Thank goodness! I wouldn't want my little munchkin inside to be parched.

april said...

where can I get some of that water!! mine is not doing the trick. no pregnancy news for me my dearest. miss you, can't wait for the 31st! any updates?! we need to catch up. I am a terrible friend.

april said...
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april said...

where can I get some of that water!! mine is not doing the trick. no pregnancy news for me my dearest. miss you, can't wait for the 31st! any updates?! we need to catch up. I am a terrible friend.

Emili said...

I wish I would have got this sooner! I put down my Diet Coke for one minute and what do you know...

Lindsey said...


Lindsey and Brett said...

Holy crap. I'm done with the water too. Not quite ready for babies yet.

Stef said...

well I thought the water was quite refreshing...although now i'm not so sure sometimes! :)

Kate said...

Hey, I'm not pregnant!!! YEAH!! LOL I'll make sure not to drink any water!!!

William C. McCrery said...

Lindsey, I'm pregnant.

Brianna said...

I guess now is as good of time as never.... guess what?!

The Bay A's said...

Well, Lindz some news for you. My auntie came for a visit so I must be drinking the untainted water :)