Friday, November 23, 2007

A visit from Jenn!

On thanksgiving morning Jenn and Tyson came to my parents house to see me! It was so fun to play with Little Tyson...and he and my dad bonded...all too well.....Ty loved my dad, and made my dad grandkid hungry:) It was so fun to see Jenn again, and her adorable new hair do! I will miss her as they venture out to Germany...but, hopefully I will be able to go out and see them!!
Love you Jenn and thanks for coming to see me!!


Linda and Dave Browne said...

You are definitely the social Diva! So, when are you going to come visit us?

Stef said...

i agree with my mom! and cute picture. Also I agree her hair looks so cute! I love it!

Sabs said...

cute cute hair jen! and of course you look cute too linz:)