Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

On our way....
Are you kidding me?
Yes, Katie and I ventured out, at Midnight on black friday. We had to head back to Logan early anyway because we both had to wk, but we decided to head out, freakishly early:) Some of the malls opened at midnight, so we headed out. It honestly was like a zoo, from hell. SO MANY PEOPLE!!! This is a picture coming down the escalator.....pure madness! We barely shopped, b/c we didn't want to stand in line...but it was so funny to watch people. Luckily we got out of SLC by 1:30am, and drove on up to Logan arrived safely at a whopping 3:15am.....oh black friday.


Linda and Dave Browne said...

You didn't want to stand in line? Where was your commitment?

Stef said...

that is chaos! It was even worse than disney and that was a mad house! crazy

april said...

Looks nuts!!! We were out at midnight too!!! Actually 10:45pm!! What loones!! It was so freezing! The Gap was the worst. I couldn't even tell where the lind ended!! Did you get some great stuff?!

The Aprecios said...

Oh my gosh. Just looking at this picture makes me cringe. I hate crowds.

YOu are going to be up here next summer? Are you moving back or just coming to visit?

Im so jealous that you saw Jenn and Sabrina. I miss ya'll, and I dont get to see anybody!

PS-Yep, he was Frankenstein! You win!

Sabs said...

whoa crazy! Too bad Daniel's not a blogger...he was out at 3am to get my gift but no pics ugh!:)

Dani said...

Mat and I went shopping at 5:30am. The baby was up so we figured we might as well. So speaking of baby, you need to come see him! Let us know the next time you're home and have some free time. He'll be all grown up before long!