I was SOOO nervous that it was going to snow on my wedding day...this is Utah. The weather changes every five minutes. When Katie got married in August, it POURED! But....it was PERFECTLY sunny, not a cloud in the sky and warm, esp for middle of October:)

Here is Brian's immediate family...we are missing one brother, one sis in law and 4 nieces and nephews.

The Ma, Pa and In-Laws. . . .
Many of you know....I have been in QUITE a few weddings over the years. The joke was..."Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride..." So I decided to have my own "27 Dresses" shot...(however, I shorted out at 18:)
Here are my girls...
April, Lindsey, Me, Annie...Logan Roomies.
His- Rachel, Alicia, Krista
L to R
Brian's Brother-in-laws, Clark and Travis....Brian's Brother Mike (Missing other Brother Lance...he came later)
My Brother Landon and my bro in law Cory
Two of my FAVORITE shots. LOVE THESE!! Seriously...isn't he HOT? My goodness I have good taste:)
I love these aswell. SUCH an amazing day! Just LOOK at that SKY!! Perfectly clear.
I swear I won't take as long with the reception...I am just trying to string you lovely ladies along:) Especially you Sabrina....Sorry I told you it was posted, and it wasn't. I am a jerk:) LOVE YA!