Oh dear me....it has been an embarassingly long time since I have blogged. It is not that I don't love you all...we have been living the caveman lifestyle of no internet. Seriously, I don't know how the pioneers did it. Not being able to peek into each of your incredibly interesting lives everyday, has been driving me nuts.
We have internet. Cheers!
Is it set up yet?? NO!
Will it be soon....YES!
Have you all missed my sweet little face....OF COURSE!!
Seriously, I don't know how we have lived so long without it. (I know how I sound...but seriously, I have missed you all!!) And the dirty text messages/emails I have been getting about my lack of blogging was starting to frighten me:) I'm back now!
Stay tuned. We are updating like a champ shortly.
PS...I KNOW I already said that in the last post or so...but really, we are updating SOON!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Seattle Wedding Shoot Sept 21
Here are a couple pictures from our Seattle Wedding Pictures. My dream was to have pictures of me in my wedding dress, downtown Seattle. Thanks to my parents, Brian, Jessica and the Johnsons, this dream came true! We had a blast!! Here are just a couple highlights of some of our favorites!
For those who haven't been....Pike Place Market, is like Disneyland, for Seattle-ites. I LOVE this place. The gross fishy smell, the crazy people, the fantastic food, bright colors....EVERYTHING!
And yes...I am kissing a little fish. Are you jealous??
I love this picture! This is right after Brian saw me for the first time in my dress. Jessica caught his "first look". INCREDIBLE picture.

This was so fun. We kindly asked a homeless man to move from his spot, so we could catch this picture. Jessica sure has vision!! This picture is so fun because the first three weeks of our relationship, was on the phone:)
This is on the waterfront, downtown. It was middle of September, 70 degrees...and perfect. We could not have asked for better weather.
LOVE his picture. Check out the sunset. The sky was so deep with color! PERFECT!
Thank you Jessica!! Can't wait to see the wedding pictures!! You are amazing!! LOVE YOU!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Introducing....THE WALKERS!!
We did it!!! Two weeks of marital bliss. I SWEAR we shall post more later....however we are still trying to move in to our love shack and are without internet. Don't hate us. Know that we love you...we are just newly weds and are insanely busy ;)
More pictures coming soon. . . !!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Coming soon...Mr. & Mrs. Brian Walker
Here is a little teaser from our "Bridal" session in Seattle a couple weeks ago with Jessica. She did a FANTASTIC job. I can't wait to show you the rest:) Stay tuned...I'm a little busy right now!!
I will be a married woman...THIS FRIDAY. Can you believe it?? I can. It is about time.
I can't wait to marry you, babe. 3 more days til forever. I love you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
14 days LEFT!
As you all can probably guess....I have been a little busy lately. I am SOOO sorry for my lack of posting:) I promise I will make it up to you.
Brian and I have 14 days left of being in the Single Status. We are counting down the minutes. I could not have asked for a better/stronger more ruggedly handsome best friend and soon to be eternal companion. Isn't he ridiculously good looking???
A while back, Jessica Kettle took our engagement pictures. Jess and I have been best friends since 4th grade. This girl has got some SERIOUSLY amazing talent. And for the record...THIS is why I waited 26 years to get married...I was waiting for Jessica to be a stunning photographer:) Seriously people, check her out. It is sickening. http://www.lookthroughmylens.blogspot.com.

In case you are curious....that is the Gateway Fountain...and yes, we got soaked:)

Brian and I have 14 days left of being in the Single Status. We are counting down the minutes. I could not have asked for a better/stronger more ruggedly handsome best friend and soon to be eternal companion. Isn't he ridiculously good looking???
A while back, Jessica Kettle took our engagement pictures. Jess and I have been best friends since 4th grade. This girl has got some SERIOUSLY amazing talent. And for the record...THIS is why I waited 26 years to get married...I was waiting for Jessica to be a stunning photographer:) Seriously people, check her out. It is sickening. http://www.lookthroughmylens.blogspot.com.

In case you are curious....that is the Gateway Fountain...and yes, we got soaked:)

Thanks Jess...we had a blast.
Stay tuned....Last week, Jessica, Brian and I all flew to Seattle for a rocking hot bridal session..DOWNTOWN. It was SERIOUSLY a dream come true. Stay tuned for some amazing pictures. (If I do say so myself)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We need your ADDRESS. . . .

Picture compliments of Google Images
Very shortly we will be addressing, stuffing, stamping, licking 1 million envelopes. Want one??? We need your address. If you are uncomfortable posting your address on my blog comment page, you can email it to me personally.
For those of you, who are a little slow....I am sending out WEDDING ANNOUCEMENTS. You're welcome for breaking this down into more simplier terms.
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!!!!
Are you surprised?? Shocked?? Jealous?? Well ladies....you should be. He's a keeper and I am the luckiest girl in the world. You may be asking yourself....how did this happen?? Sit down, grab a drink and get ready to have your socks blown off...

And here we are...the FUTURE Mr and Mrs Brian Walker!!!!

Did I mention...I cried like a fool?? My GOODNESS I love this boy! He sure knows how to make his woman melt!
April 2006- Lori and Kim Johnson....introduce Brian and I to eachother...we had a great weekend. He headed back up to Rexburg, I headed back to Logan....saw eachother 1-2 more times and lost contact.
May 2009- Three years later.... Brian's parents (Lori's Brother) and my dad all happened to be up in Seattle, the same night. The plotting begins. (Thanks to a gentle nudge from Kim and Lori)
June 2009- Brian's parents can't contain themselves any longer and bring my name up to Brian. He finds my blog....adds me on facebook...and the chatting begins. . . .
July 2009- Brian and some of his family drive down from Boise to come see family in Utah for the 4th...I get a kidney stone the day before he arrives...awesome. We saw eachother the 3rd and 5th of July. I thought for sure he'd run....:)
From the 5th of July to the 24th of July....we talked EVERYDAY. In the begining it was 2 hour long convos at night....or a quick text before bed. As the days went on...our conversations lasted anywhere from 3-6.5 hours....needless to say, we NEVER slept. On July 20th I get a text from Brian, saying he quit his job. HE'S MOVING TO UTAH!!!! OH BOY!!! The 24th, I headed up to Boise for the BEST weekend of my life.
We held hands the 24th
Kissed the 25th...
And that night we decided we wanted to make this a forever deal....:) 
We sealed the deal, with a midnight helping of Fruity Pebbles....(remember this)

We sealed the deal, with a midnight helping of Fruity Pebbles....(remember this)
Due to my sisters wedding...we agreed to keep it our little secret...until after her big day.
SO....on the morning after her wedding...Brian and I headed up the mountians for a little breakfast stroll:) It rained pigs and chickens the ENTIRE time we were hiking....SOOO fun!!
We found a little park bench and sat down to eat our breakfast...under our umbrella:)
Brian pulled out the Fruity Pebbles box and asked me to open it.
Inside, I found a little prize:)
He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him...and of COURSE I said YES!!!
The sneaky little fella had opened the bottom of the box....that way I wouldn't notice the box was open! SOOO CUTE!

And here we are...the FUTURE Mr and Mrs Brian Walker!!!!

Did I mention...I cried like a fool?? My GOODNESS I love this boy! He sure knows how to make his woman melt!
I love you babe, and I can't wait to spend forever chasing cars with you.
October 16th will be the BEST day of our lives! I LOVE YOU and thanks for making my dreams come true! This Princess has finally found her Prince:)
October 16th will be the BEST day of our lives! I LOVE YOU and thanks for making my dreams come true! This Princess has finally found her Prince:)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Katie is getting MARRIED tomorrow!!!! Hence why I haven't slept, ate, slept or done ANYTHING but WEDDING! Updates coming soon. I swear I am alive...just tired, hungry, tired and ready to get this party started!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A visit to Grandpa Davis

A couple weekends ago, my family headed up to Mtn View, WY to see my Grandpa Davis. Cory had never met him and Kodalyn needed to meet her great-grandpa. It was a long drive and a short visit...but totally worth it. My grandpa had been released from the hospital the day before, so he was a little sleepy and not too hungry for our BBQ hamburgers but I know he loved having us visit! Love you Grandpa!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Last weekend my ward went to YUBA LAKE for the weekend. It was SOO much fun. Perfect temperature, LOTS of beach volleyball playing with the greatest sand ever!! The five of us girls stuck together like glue!! I was really close with three of them before, but now the five of us are attached at the hip.

Meet...Tiffany, Kami, (Me) Emily, Lindsey

Lindsey and I have become SOOO close lately! I LOVE this girl!!

Here are Tiffany and I after a little dip in the lake. This boat ride was my FAVORITE!! The boat was only 7 miles old when we stepped on!! (Our friends dad, owns a boat shop...and spoiled us:)

(Emily, Me, Tiff and Linds)
Kami couldn't join us on this little adventure, because she was getting ready for knee surgery...but the 4 of us little hotties had the time of our life! There were two other tubes on either side of us, with two guys that would hop from tube to tube...WHILE THE BOAT WAS MOVING! Needless to say, we flipped...ALOT! We tubed for 3 glorious hours!! SOOOO FUN!!!!
Sadly our trip got cut short...a freak storm rolled in Saturday afternoon and DESTROYED camp. Seriously, destoryed it. The wind was crazy, the sand was stinging your eyes...and the tents/canopys were EVERYWHERE!! The boats were even getting blown to shore. I will admit..the complete chaios was kinda fun!! I even got a little body surfing in on some of those waves!!
It was the perfect weekend to relax and recoupe after delievering little hellga...and the biggest bonus...I didn't need to find a babysitter:) ehehehehehe! I crack myself up:)

Meet...Tiffany, Kami, (Me) Emily, Lindsey

Lindsey and I have become SOOO close lately! I LOVE this girl!!

Here are Tiffany and I after a little dip in the lake. This boat ride was my FAVORITE!! The boat was only 7 miles old when we stepped on!! (Our friends dad, owns a boat shop...and spoiled us:)

(Emily, Me, Tiff and Linds)
Kami couldn't join us on this little adventure, because she was getting ready for knee surgery...but the 4 of us little hotties had the time of our life! There were two other tubes on either side of us, with two guys that would hop from tube to tube...WHILE THE BOAT WAS MOVING! Needless to say, we flipped...ALOT! We tubed for 3 glorious hours!! SOOOO FUN!!!!
Sadly our trip got cut short...a freak storm rolled in Saturday afternoon and DESTROYED camp. Seriously, destoryed it. The wind was crazy, the sand was stinging your eyes...and the tents/canopys were EVERYWHERE!! The boats were even getting blown to shore. I will admit..the complete chaios was kinda fun!! I even got a little body surfing in on some of those waves!!
It was the perfect weekend to relax and recoupe after delievering little hellga...and the biggest bonus...I didn't need to find a babysitter:) ehehehehehe! I crack myself up:)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look who I got to see for a SPLIT second:) Sabs, Daniel and chillins were on their way (via car) from Seattle-Texas and decided to take a 1 hour detour and meet me in Brigham City for a little bite to eat. It was the best hour of my life. Can I tell you how much I love this girl??? It was a great little teaser...and TOTALLY worth it!! I can't believe how much her little munchkins have grown! Especially little Miss Olivia...DARLING!! She looks just like me...:)
I love you Bina and thanks for eatting chubby greasy food with me. Nothing like a little grease for the cheeks! I LOVE YOU and drive safe!! I MISS YOU!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
156 hours later . . .
Well ladies...I have offically beat the record for the longest labor. 156 hours of shear bliss/pain...and I delivered my little "Hellga". She looks like crystal, and measures a whoppin size four. I am so proud of her. (I may hate her...but I am proud that she is OUT!)
Labor story....
Yesterday, (while at work) I thought for sure my life was ending. I was trying to be tough and go drug free...idiot!! After toughing it out for as long as possible, (3hours) I left work, in tears, and headed off to the doctor. After two shots in the butt...and a sonic chicken wrap, I was off to the hospital. The shots were pain reliever and nausea medicine...the chicken wrap, was because I hadn't eatten...in quite some time. At the hospital (which felt like a freaking freezer) they did an ultrasound to find out if I was going to need surgery. I will leave the graffic goods out...but basically because "Hellga" was blocking my ureters...fluid was backing up into my kidney. NOT GOOD! So, after shivering to death and tears, we left the hospital (5 hours between dr and hosp...grrrr).
This morning I had an emergancy apt with the pee doctor to see if they needed to admit me for surgery...I think little "Hellga" freaked out about the idea, and decided to pop out...minutes before my doctors apt. What a little punk! Needless to say, I feel like a whole new woman. Today I got to enjoy the aftermath of a kidney stone...a SUPER sore body (esp back and stomach) and the nausea that comes with it...however, I will take that ANY DAY over a kidney stone.
Thank you all for your prayers, sweet text messages and phone calls. Even though I may not remember talking to you...it was the thought that counted:)
It will be great to get back to my "normal" life....that is, life without drugs. I HATE taking those things...but could not have lived without them!!
Now...everyone go drink a big glass of water, because I SWEAR if one more person tells me to drink more...I will drown them. :) Heads up!
PS...if you are wondering where Hellga got her name....her Grandma Donna decided that because she gave me hell for the past week, that Hellga is fitting. I wanted to call her a little *#@%$%$@*&$#% but i'll just call her Hellga for short:)
Labor story....
Yesterday, (while at work) I thought for sure my life was ending. I was trying to be tough and go drug free...idiot!! After toughing it out for as long as possible, (3hours) I left work, in tears, and headed off to the doctor. After two shots in the butt...and a sonic chicken wrap, I was off to the hospital. The shots were pain reliever and nausea medicine...the chicken wrap, was because I hadn't eatten...in quite some time. At the hospital (which felt like a freaking freezer) they did an ultrasound to find out if I was going to need surgery. I will leave the graffic goods out...but basically because "Hellga" was blocking my ureters...fluid was backing up into my kidney. NOT GOOD! So, after shivering to death and tears, we left the hospital (5 hours between dr and hosp...grrrr).
This morning I had an emergancy apt with the pee doctor to see if they needed to admit me for surgery...I think little "Hellga" freaked out about the idea, and decided to pop out...minutes before my doctors apt. What a little punk! Needless to say, I feel like a whole new woman. Today I got to enjoy the aftermath of a kidney stone...a SUPER sore body (esp back and stomach) and the nausea that comes with it...however, I will take that ANY DAY over a kidney stone.
Thank you all for your prayers, sweet text messages and phone calls. Even though I may not remember talking to you...it was the thought that counted:)
It will be great to get back to my "normal" life....that is, life without drugs. I HATE taking those things...but could not have lived without them!!
Now...everyone go drink a big glass of water, because I SWEAR if one more person tells me to drink more...I will drown them. :) Heads up!
PS...if you are wondering where Hellga got her name....her Grandma Donna decided that because she gave me hell for the past week, that Hellga is fitting. I wanted to call her a little *#@%$%$@*&$#% but i'll just call her Hellga for short:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Kidney Stone #6...I hate you!
Viewer discression advised.
PG-13 for painful images
Please remember, I am recording this for my prosperity...you are reading this at your own risk.
Kidney Stones = DEATH.
I am not kidding. Unless you have had one or watched someone go through one...you will never understand the sheer un-imaginable pain. BUT, because I am super thoughtful, I will share my lovely week/weekend with you:)
10:00pm- Out for a run...(shocker, I know) and all of the sudden...I feel a little pain. Dangit!
1:30am- on the phone with the on call ER doctor...
Thursday- I think I am tough...so I head off for an 8 hour shift at work...5 hours later...Home. Tears. Pick up Lori:)
9:30pm- Enter Emergancy Room...lovingly giving orders to the doctors and nurses...slow pokes. Lori and Mom sit with me...and correct me as the nurse says "are you married"..I said "Yes". Whoops. You can't drug a person up and then ask them tough questions!!!!
12:30am- CT scan.. and we find there is a kidney stone (passing) in my right kidney. DUH! The doctor measured it...and it is a 4!!! I have only ever passed a 2! THAT IS DOUBLE THE SIZE!! I beg to be euthanized.
2:00am- Leave ER.
Friday- Time to plan the wedding. The day time was rough...then evening went much better. I even got a sweet game of volleyball in:) I have a new nickname..."Stoner".
Saturday-Besides the fact that I had some INSANELY sweet plans...today was a disaster. Worst 4th of July EVER!!! From 10am-5pm....I paced around the house, cried, shook like a leaf, cried, cried and cried. Seriously, no drugs even touched the pain. Honestly the worst 7 hours of my life. The pain lasted throughout the night, but I was able to catch a couple hours of sleep. Lame. I didn't even see ONE FIREWORK!! Ewe...next year better knock my socks off.
Sunday- Went to church for...15 holy minutes, left in pain. Why do I try?? Luckily I was able to catch some relief thoughout the afternoon. I got to play some games, eat a little food and hang out with the family and some out of town friends. THANK GOODNESS!! I needed a little fun:) Sunday night around 11pm...things got a little wild again. Honestly, my patience and tolerance...GONE!
Monday- The little fella still hasn't passed. I worked today from 8am-7pm....YIKES! I am tired/tired and tired. Good thing I love my job!!! I have NEVER had a kidney stone this big or this EVERLASTING!!! SERIOUSLY, pray for relief! I can't take it much longer!!!
Needless to say the weekend did not go as planned..luckily my friends and family understood. I just don't understand why no one took the liberty of putting me out of my misery!! Isn't that what you do to a lame horse?? dying deer?? etc. COME ON PEOPLE!!
Pray Pray Pray that this baby passes SOON!!! This is technically like my 6th child! And I have NOTHING to show for it!!
PG-13 for painful images
Please remember, I am recording this for my prosperity...you are reading this at your own risk.
Kidney Stones = DEATH.
I am not kidding. Unless you have had one or watched someone go through one...you will never understand the sheer un-imaginable pain. BUT, because I am super thoughtful, I will share my lovely week/weekend with you:)
10:00pm- Out for a run...(shocker, I know) and all of the sudden...I feel a little pain. Dangit!
1:30am- on the phone with the on call ER doctor...
Thursday- I think I am tough...so I head off for an 8 hour shift at work...5 hours later...Home. Tears. Pick up Lori:)
9:30pm- Enter Emergancy Room...lovingly giving orders to the doctors and nurses...slow pokes. Lori and Mom sit with me...and correct me as the nurse says "are you married"..I said "Yes". Whoops. You can't drug a person up and then ask them tough questions!!!!
12:30am- CT scan.. and we find there is a kidney stone (passing) in my right kidney. DUH! The doctor measured it...and it is a 4!!! I have only ever passed a 2! THAT IS DOUBLE THE SIZE!! I beg to be euthanized.
2:00am- Leave ER.
Friday- Time to plan the wedding. The day time was rough...then evening went much better. I even got a sweet game of volleyball in:) I have a new nickname..."Stoner".
Saturday-Besides the fact that I had some INSANELY sweet plans...today was a disaster. Worst 4th of July EVER!!! From 10am-5pm....I paced around the house, cried, shook like a leaf, cried, cried and cried. Seriously, no drugs even touched the pain. Honestly the worst 7 hours of my life. The pain lasted throughout the night, but I was able to catch a couple hours of sleep. Lame. I didn't even see ONE FIREWORK!! Ewe...next year better knock my socks off.
Sunday- Went to church for...15 holy minutes, left in pain. Why do I try?? Luckily I was able to catch some relief thoughout the afternoon. I got to play some games, eat a little food and hang out with the family and some out of town friends. THANK GOODNESS!! I needed a little fun:) Sunday night around 11pm...things got a little wild again. Honestly, my patience and tolerance...GONE!
Monday- The little fella still hasn't passed. I worked today from 8am-7pm....YIKES! I am tired/tired and tired. Good thing I love my job!!! I have NEVER had a kidney stone this big or this EVERLASTING!!! SERIOUSLY, pray for relief! I can't take it much longer!!!
Needless to say the weekend did not go as planned..luckily my friends and family understood. I just don't understand why no one took the liberty of putting me out of my misery!! Isn't that what you do to a lame horse?? dying deer?? etc. COME ON PEOPLE!!
Pray Pray Pray that this baby passes SOON!!! This is technically like my 6th child! And I have NOTHING to show for it!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Look who's coming...

(This picture was from our SPLENDID month together last year. . . I WILL get that tan again)
Not to make any of the Plataeu Princess' Jealous...but check out who I get to play with this week....:) Princess Lori is making her Grand de view on THURSDAY!!!!! HOORAY!! She is here to keep me from drinking while I plan Miss Katie's wedding. I AM SO EXCITED!!!
We fully intend to play scrabble, eat junior mints, play a little more scrabble...and SHOP!!!
Ohh should I mention that the ROMERO family is paying a visit this weekend?? Ahh...finally a perk to living in UTAH:) hehehe, just kidding. BUT SERIOUSLY, you all visit this grand area AT LEAST once a year right?? SOMEHOW, I played my cards RIGHT!
Again...not bragging.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day:)
You know you have an amazing father when....
10- He wakes you up by saying..."Mahanna you ugly, get out of bed"...and then makes you sourdough pancakes and his ever so famous hash...all while jamming out to the pancake song:)
9- He takes you on the GREATEST fourwheeling rides...fully equipt with M&M's, Jolly Ranchers and power bars.
8- He holds your hand and pushes you through....even though you think you have reached the end. (Subway:)
7-He walks out in a blizzard, warms up and wipes off your car...just so you'll have a nice safe, warm ride.
6- He holds you in his arms...and lets you cry on his shoulder, and then suddenly knows just what to say, and how to say it.
5- He strives to serve, and never complains....ever.
4- He is an honorable, and worthy priesthood holder...at all times.
3- He shares his Sees Dark Chocolate Carmels....(hint hint...)
2- He can build anything, fix anything...and knows EVERYTHING! (Including the most up-to-date Nascar Stats).
1- He looks you in the eyes, tells you he loves you...and you KNOW he means it.
Dad, I love you SOOOO much!! I hope to someday convince some poor sucker to marry me...and have him be everything like you. (Then you'll get your storage room back:) I love you Dad! Thanks for being my example, hero and best friend. I am the luckiest girl in the world!
Love Niglet
Sunday, May 31, 2009
What cha doing August 14th??

Little Sissy Katie and soon to be bro in law Cory have decided to tie the knot on August 14, 2009!!! Quick little devils:) don't worry folks...this is her missionary!! So, unless you want to be considered lame, you better be there. This isn't the formal invitation...shocking, I know. No need to RSVP quite yet. Just remember...it will be a swinging time, so you better come.
Congrats to my little Fetus and Otis...:)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorial Weekend
For Memorial Day weekend, my family (minus Katie) headed down to Zions National Park for a little camping/hiking. We took the toyhauler and stayed in a SUPER nice RV park. We Davis' know how to camp in style (toliets/showers/grass/dairy queen...etc). Here is a quick photo journal of our fantastic weekend.
We did a bunch of little bitty hikes and a watery tour of the back half of the Narrows.

For those of you who are new....
Lindsey, MaLese, Landon, Daddy-O, Carly

The water was a tad bit chilly...but after your legs went numb...NO BIG DEAL!

Even Koda had a splendid time:)
Today we ventured off to Angels Landing. This hike is not for those who are afraid of heights...at all!! Once you wind your way to the top, you are hiking across rocks, that are at times 3-5 feet wide...with 1,000 foot drop off on either side of you. CRAZY! Sometimes, if you weren't holding on to the chain...well lets just say, you'd be dead. Don't worry, Mom and Koda stayed behind ready to collect on life insurance:)
Check out these pictures....
Dad took a "before" picture. Basically a head count before the landing. On average, 1 person dies every other year....neat. Isn't weird that my dad took out life insurance on each of us, before the hike...weird. Just kidding

PLEASE NOTE....My mother is FREAKING out, because it appears as if I am a hoochie-mama in my spank shorts. FOR THE RECORD, they are knee length cotton BLACK shorts that locked in heat like the freakin desert...SO, I tenderly rolled them up, a smidge...to prevent heat stroke and chaffing:) If you would like more information...please feel free to call. 1-800 Imma Hoochie.

Ya...we are amazing.

We HAD to lean forward...because RIGHT behind us, was death. My dad was SOOO nervous taking the picture!! That swiggly line behind us, is the road:)

WE MADE IT!!! Up and Back....:) Check out the road behind us!! CRAZY!

Here is a little perspective shot for you...this is on the way down angels, I wish you could feel the power...
Sabrina, this is where I was talking to you, when you called:) Hehehehe!! I love top of the world phone calls!!!
After the trek to Angels we took a much shorter/easier hike to "cool" off....isn't Koda DARLING???? I love her little eyes!!

She held on SOOO tight...it was SOOO cute!
We did a bunch of little bitty hikes and a watery tour of the back half of the Narrows.
For those of you who are new....
Lindsey, MaLese, Landon, Daddy-O, Carly
The water was a tad bit chilly...but after your legs went numb...NO BIG DEAL!
Even Koda had a splendid time:)
Today we ventured off to Angels Landing. This hike is not for those who are afraid of heights...at all!! Once you wind your way to the top, you are hiking across rocks, that are at times 3-5 feet wide...with 1,000 foot drop off on either side of you. CRAZY! Sometimes, if you weren't holding on to the chain...well lets just say, you'd be dead. Don't worry, Mom and Koda stayed behind ready to collect on life insurance:)
Check out these pictures....
Dad took a "before" picture. Basically a head count before the landing. On average, 1 person dies every other year....neat. Isn't weird that my dad took out life insurance on each of us, before the hike...weird. Just kidding
PLEASE NOTE....My mother is FREAKING out, because it appears as if I am a hoochie-mama in my spank shorts. FOR THE RECORD, they are knee length cotton BLACK shorts that locked in heat like the freakin desert...SO, I tenderly rolled them up, a smidge...to prevent heat stroke and chaffing:) If you would like more information...please feel free to call. 1-800 Imma Hoochie.
Ya...we are amazing.
We HAD to lean forward...because RIGHT behind us, was death. My dad was SOOO nervous taking the picture!! That swiggly line behind us, is the road:)
WE MADE IT!!! Up and Back....:) Check out the road behind us!! CRAZY!
Here is a little perspective shot for you...this is on the way down angels, I wish you could feel the power...
Sabrina, this is where I was talking to you, when you called:) Hehehehe!! I love top of the world phone calls!!!
After the trek to Angels we took a much shorter/easier hike to "cool" off....isn't Koda DARLING???? I love her little eyes!!
She held on SOOO tight...it was SOOO cute!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Confessions of a Fair Weather Fan
Don't Judge Me.

I have made fun of American Idol for 7.5 seasons....and it wasn't until about 7 weeks ago, that I heard Mr. Lamberts voice, that I became a crazed fan. SERIOUSLY....don't judge me, cause I know YOU ALL WANT TOO...(sabrina)
HOWEVER... I should mention, Kris is adorable...and I am super proud of him for winning. He has been my second favorite.....for quite some time!
Alright, Confession is over. PHEW!!!
Sabrina...if only I had an italian soda to complete my repentence process...:)

Seriously....how adorable is that face:)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
For my Kiddies...
This weekend, I had the grand opportunity to head up to Logan for a quick trip. It had been MONTHS since our last Kiddie Reunion...and it was SOOO splendid to see my girls again:)
Becky, sadly still lives in Texas...but SOMEDAY the fab 6 will be together again!!

Seriously....we must think we are pretty hot stuff:)

We seriously just giggle the WHOLE time we are together.

We went out to Chili's for dinner...and our waiter hooked us up!!! Who wouldn't...four hot married chicks and one sexy single one:).....Hooray for Free DESSERT!
Becky, sadly still lives in Texas...but SOMEDAY the fab 6 will be together again!!

Seriously....we must think we are pretty hot stuff:)

We seriously just giggle the WHOLE time we are together.

We went out to Chili's for dinner...and our waiter hooked us up!!! Who wouldn't...four hot married chicks and one sexy single one:).....Hooray for Free DESSERT!
We like to take pictures...........alot.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Dear Mom,

I just wanted to let you know, how much I love you. I could not have been blessed with a greater example, teacher, Mother and friend. You are my perfect defination of what a mother is and should be. You are so patient and compassionate; and you ALWAYS put our family before yourself. Thank you for not only being an amazing mother, but an amazing friend. I love you so much, and I want you to know that I hope to be just like you when I "grow up". You have greatly blessed the lives of not only our family, but the lives of others with your selfless service. You are one amazing woman:)
I love you SO much Mom, and thank you.
Love Lyns
PS ....(I promise to take "real" good care of you someday...hehehe..)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Why the long face???
Sunday, April 19, 2009
What is wrong with this picture??
Koda Girl
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