Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday- London- June 15

Well today was very uneventful. I have a really bad sore throat and therefore I am sticking around the hostel to try and recover…so far there are about 4 of us that are sick. Let’s be honest, we all had it I slept in, and that felt fantastic! And then this afternoon I ventured out for a sandwich from Subway, and some gelato… I decided that I needed to splurge today! The subway tasted almost as good as home, but the mustard they use here is sure funky…so I went sauce less… tonight I am thinking about going out to the Hard Rock Café with some of the other girls. That should be really fun! And plus I will need to get out of my flat for a little while today. All of us girls have decided that the thing we miss the most, and crave daily is Mexican food. I would give anything for some chips and salsa, and a huge burrito. Some of the girls found a place last night, but it looked a little sketchy. Mexican food is just not found over here….so be aware when I get back!! Taco time, café rio, Acapulco fresh….and any other place I can get my little Mexican greasy fingers on! Ohh by the way, Mom and Dad…if you could be so kind, when you pick me up from the airport, could you have a burrito with you?? I realize that it will be at 11:00pm, but how divine will that taste? A couple of us girls are talking about having our parents bring us café rio to the airport and we will sit in a circle around the baggage claim, eating our Mexican food! Hmm…I think I am more hungry then I realize right now, b/c I just realized that my whole blog is about foodJ well I am still debating as to what I am doing tomorrow. It is kinda nice to just relax around the flat…we are gone so long everyday, that this weekend it maybe nice to just chill.
Well folks I will write more tomorrow…hopefully I will be more excitingJ

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Linds -

It sounds like you are having so much fun! That is awesome! I can't believe how gorgeous everything is over there. Someday you will have to be my tour guide over there. Hope you get feeling better soon! Love ya!